Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mormonism and Humanitarian Aid

Of the many grand and glorious principles brought back to the Earth as part of the Restoration of the Gospel, perhaps most fundamental is the knowledge that we are all literal Children of God—brothers and sister in His family. This knowledge both motivates and helps us understand the need to love God and humankind. Joseph Smith taught that "a man (or woman) filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race."

Each of us are in a position to reach out to others and make the world a better place. Whether it be in our homes, at school, in our community, everybody has the power to make a difference. This being said, I believe that those blessed with so much in the developed world also have an obligation to reach out to those in the developing world in a spirit of solidarity and help enact change. 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as an institution, sets a great example of what it means to make a difference in the world with its robust humanitarian aid program. One of the ways that people can make a difference is by simply by giving freely to the Church's humanitarian aid program. For just one example of the many great things that the Church is doing, please read this article: 

In addition to donating to the Church's humanitarian aid program, there are are many other ways to get involved, work alongside and help those in the developing world. If you have any desire or interest in developmental issues, please read this article by Warned Woodworth: 

To my university colleagues: We are particularly blessed with the resources-- mental, physical, and spiritual to work to find new and innovative ways to help those in developing nations. This Digital Civilizations class has helped me realize that digital media has opened up a whole new world of opportunities to make a difference. Let us each consider our unique abilities and interests and consider ways that we can enact change. "The world is our campus."

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